To create an FTP account in cPanel, you’ll first have to login. Once you’ve accessed your account, follow the instructions below.
- Click FTP Accounts.
- In the Login field, type the username of your FTP account.
- Unless you only have one domain, select a domain your FTP user will be assigned to.
- Type a strong password, try to keep the strength above 50.
- Repeat your password in the next field.
- Select the directory you’d like your FTP account to be located in.
- Choose your FTP account’s quota.
- Click Create FTP Account.
You should now have a fully functional FTP account ready to upload and download files. Make sure you follow good security practices and remove temporary FTP accounts, in addition to changing your FTP account’s password regularly. Always use SSL when connecting to the server if you’re passing personal / sensitive data through FTP.