2 articles Proxmox

How to Remove the Proxmox “No Valid Subscription” message

Proxmox 3.1 has implemented a new repository setup. Each time you log into Proxmox 3.1 a dialogue box pops up with the message: You do not have a valid subscription for this server. Please visit www.proxmox.com to get a list of available options. One way to remove the message is to purchase a subscription from the Proxmox team. Remember…

Java console quit working! Proxmox 2.x and 3.x

Manual installation This amounts to unpacking a downloaded archive file in a terminal window and executing the script. It has the advantage of being fast and the disadvantage of not properly ‘installing’ the script. On top of that, a possibly installed (out of date) sun-java6 installation will remain installed on your system, be it more…