(fomerly know as WHM File Manager/Console)
This is an exclusive! and free! add-on product for cPanel/WHM. The product provides you with a full featured Filesystem explorer and a Virtual Console to use within your web browser in WHM. It gives you root access from the top level of your disks and allows you to enter non-interactive commands and see the output.
The File Manager/Console can be an essential tool for:
- Server Administrators unfamiliar with server shell commands
- Repairing a server where access via SSH is not available*
- Repair access to a server due to an incorrectly configured firewall or SSH
- Edit files directly on the server
- Functions for files and directories:
- Copy
- Delete
- Rename
- Move
- CHMOD (change permissions)
- CHOWN (change ownership)
- Uploading files to the server in BINARY or ASCII mode
- Downloading files from the server
- Easy access to your server configuration from within your browser
- Access restricted to the root user through WHM only (no access for resellers)
The latest version of cse can be downloaded here: cse.tgz
To install or upgrade cse simply do the following from the root shell via SSH: rm -fv cse.tgz wget http://www.configserver.com/free/cse.tgz tar -xzf cse.tgz cd cse sh install.sh cd .. rm -Rfv cse/ cse.tgz Then login to WHM and scroll to the bottom of the left hand menu and you should see "ConfigServer Explorer" If you want to uninstall, simply: rm -fv /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/addon_cse.cgi rm -fv /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/cseversion.txt